IC3D (preparation)

The big brilliant news this week is that I have been accepted to present some of my data at IC3D this year in Liege! It’s an international conference focussing mostly on my field of interest and it is a peer reviewed conference so the kudos is rather high!

They have taken my paper on oblique viewing angles nicely and want me to present it. They have returned the paper with some reviewer comments for minor alterations, which I am currently working with Jenny to get done. However one of the comments was, quite simply, to remove some of the irrelevant pieces of information I provide. I think this is in itself a bit of an annoying thing to say, because as a scientist, and a mathematician, I really try to only say the important stuff! If life could be bullet pointed that would suit me to a tee.

So I am now in the process of sorting out the paper, and also being sure I can publish the full study still in a good journal (hopefully Journal of Vision), before the deadline of a week on Wednesday.

Time flies when you’re having fun, I can’t believe it’s already November of this year! I would advocate anybody who likes hard, ever-changing and challenging work to go into research. I’m certainly living the dream!

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